Javascript Course

Start Date:
academic hours
Final Project

Javascript Course

JavaScript is a scripting language that powers millions of websites and interactive applications across the internet.

It's a dynamic language used for a wide range of tasks, such as adding interactivity to websites, incorporating static JS information, utilizing Ajax, updating content based on user activity, and more. JavaScript can also be used on the server side for fast communication with the database containing the information displayed on the site. These uses and many more will be comprehensively taught in the JavaScript course.

This programming language is text-based and is employed both on the client and server sides, allowing you to make web pages interactive. While HTML and CSS provide structure and style to web pages, JavaScript introduces interactive elements that engage users.

Why is JavaScript used?

Common examples of JavaScript usage that you might encounter daily include the search box on Amazon, embedded news summary videos on The New York Times, or refreshing Twitter updates. Incorporating JavaScript enhances the user experience of a web page by transforming it from a static page to an interactive one. In summary, JavaScript adds behavior to web pages.

JavaScript primarily serves web-based applications and internet browsers. However, JavaScript is also utilized beyond the internet in software, servers, and embedded hardware controllers.

Here are some basic things for which JavaScript is used:

  • Adding interactive behavior to web pages. JavaScript allows users to interact with web pages.
  • Displaying or hiding additional information with a button click.
  • Changing the color of a button when the mouse hovers over it.
  • Creating a slideshow of images on the homepage.
  • Zooming in or out on an image.
  • Showing a timer or countdown on a website.
  • Playing audio and video on a web page.
  • Displaying animations.
  • Using a dropdown menu.
  • Creating web and mobile applications.
  • Building internet servers and server-side application development.
  • Building simple internet servers and developing backend infrastructure using Node.js.
  • Game development - creating browser-based games. These are excellent ways for beginners to practice their JavaScript skills.

What are JavaScript frameworks?

JavaScript frameworks are collections of pre-written JavaScript code libraries that provide developers with pre-built code for common programming features and tasks, such as building websites or web applications around them. Developers can use various JavaScript frameworks for the development and construction of web and mobile applications.

The JavaScript language can be divided into two parts:

1. Client-side — The user interface that the visitor sees on the website. With JavaScript, we add content, design elements, dynamic features, control the presentation, and more.

2. Server-side — The server interface. Responsible for communication with the database, using JavaScript and accompanying libraries, we communicate with the site's database efficiently, update information in the DB as needed, and more.

What will be taught in the JavaScript course?

  • In the JavaScript course, we will learn the basic programming concepts, understand the processes, and the workflow in the language.

  • Throughout the course, we will delve deeper into functions, object handling, data sending and receiving, error handling, asynchronous work, and more.
  • We will learn to use existing libraries to improve and optimize our development process, reducing programming time. We will also create our own libraries that will help us significantly, which we can recycle in any area of our projects.
  • In addition, we will also learn jQuery – a JavaScript library that operates on the principle of "write less, do more." Essentially, the goal of jQuery is to make using JavaScript much simpler. jQuery takes many tasks and lines of code written in JavaScript and wraps them with methods and functions that you can use with just one line of code. jQuery makes certain things much easier to implement, like AJAX commands and DOM manipulation.

Who is the JavaScript course suitable for?

  • Beginner programmers who want to enter the field of web development.
  • People looking to professionally transition into the world of web programming.
  • Individuals with a basic background who want to enhance their web programming skills.

JavaScript Course Prerequisites

  • Basic computer skills.
  • Background or experience in software development with high-level languages — an advantage.
  • Professional knowledge interview.

JavaScript Course Description and Scope of Studies

  • The JavaScript course includes frontal lectures and practical exercises.
  • The course duration is approximately 100 academic hours.

The course covers:

  • Learning JavaScript & jQuery through exercises and solutions.
  • Classroom exercises accompanied by explanations, homework assignments, and solutions on the course website.
  • Course booklet — JavaScript studies.
  • Videos and presentations on the course website.
  • Towards the end of the course, each student will complete a practical project that summarizes the knowledge acquired during the course.
  • Lectures take place once a week in the evening hours.

Course Structure

Ch. 1

What Is JavaScript

Ch. 2

Internal Javascript

Ch. 3

External Javascript

Ch. 4

Manipulating HTML content

Ch. 5

Creating events

Ch. 6

Interacting with events

Ch. 7

Manipulating css

Ch. 8


Ch. 9


Ch. 10

If statements

Ch. 11


Ch. 12


Ch. 13

External libraries

Ch. 14

Creating library

Ch. 15

Pushing and obtaining data

Head of the department

Meet your instructor

Oleg Korzon

Head of Web Application Development

Senior Lecturer and Director of Web Development at Embedded Academy. With extensive expertise in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, React, Node.js, MongoDB, and other cutting-edge web technologies, our instructor brings a wealth of experience to the classroom. His diverse background encompasses:

  • Delivering high-quality training programs
  • Spearheading complex web development projects
  • Providing strategic consulting in website and web application development

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