Kubernetes Course

Start Date:
academic hours
Final Project

Kubernetes Course

Kubernetes is a platform developed by Google in 2014. It is built on open-source code and allows, among other things, the control and management of workloads on cloud-based servers. Its primary use today is the ability to manage and deploy applications automatically on containers that appear on servers.

In the past, managing large server farms and optimizing their resources efficiently was the domain of giant companies or large IT teams. Today, a single DevOps professional can manage many more processes in a relatively simple and simultaneous manner. This represents significant resource savings compared to the past practices. The Kubernetes project enables DevOps personnel to play a much more central role in building distributed systems and managing complex processes on servers while running a large number of containers in parallel.

The project continues to develop and evolve every day, but even now, it proves highly beneficial for use by any IT or DevOps professional. It leads to tremendous resource savings and substantial process optimization. These facts make the ability to control the platform and utilize it increasingly essential for a wide range of industry-leading companies.

Who is the Kubernetes course for?

  • IT personnel — computer technicians / network administrators / individuals with experience or knowledge in infrastructure / DevOps / QA Released soldiers from computer-related positions / non-commissioned officers (NCOs)
  • Candidates with no background - will be required to undergo preparatory studies to participate in the course

Kubernetes Course Prerequisites

  • Suitability test
  • Personal interview

The course includes:

  • This course is hands-on and encompasses lectures and practical exercises, explanations, homework assignments, and solutions on the course website.
  • A booklet for each course.
  • Videos and presentations on the course website.
  • Towards the end of the courses, each student will complete a practical project summarizing the acquired knowledge.
  • Lectures take place once a week in the evening or morning hours.

Course Structure

Ch. 1

Introduction to Kubernetes

Ch. 2

Instating Kubernetes - Preparing Your Environment

Ch. 3

An Overview of Kubernetes

Ch. 4

Kubernetes Architecture

Ch. 5

Kubernetes Implementation

Ch. 6

Kubernetes Building Blocks

Head of the department

Meet your instructor

Dmitri Danilov

Head of QA and DevOps Departments

Holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Network manager, and C++ developer. UI/UX user interface developer for Android applications. Has a vast experience working with Jenkins, Git, Docker, K8S, Ansible, and as a Linux admin.


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